The Colloquium Tracking System will serve as a web based attendance log for freshman and joint upperclassman colloquiums within the Computer Science Department at NC A&T State University. The system will allow each student user to access a login screen and navigate the system within student user constraints. Students will be able to create an account using their authentic information, view upcoming events and upload a resume. Colloquium will still require each student to come to class to receive a unique randomly generated entry and exit slip. The attendance log will have a link for each week of the semester where students can enter in the entry and exit slip numbers, and submit with a timestamp.
An executive board account should be created to manage a running colloquium schedule, post events, meetings, companies that are coming to campus and any other activities. An administrator account should be created to manage from a super user view to have access to all options on the system. The account will also be able view weekly attendance tables from each colloquium week, access student resumes to give to companies.
This system will utilize a MySQL database to back up data and restore. The web-browser used will be internet explorer 7, Google Chrome, and Firefox 3 or greater. Password ought to be encrypted.
Login Screen
User Attendance Screen