Blog Overview

This blog, Creative Innovationz, serves as a portfolio of computer science related projects and work that I have participated in and completed. While some of the projects mentioned throughout this blog were done as group projects, I am still knowledgeable of the information.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Website Project

In this project, I successfully moved Robert (Bob) Lewis child warfare consulting information from his old site to a new site. The new site gave Bob a more inviting look and feel, more details and functionality, with a structural template that improves readability.

While working to move and update information from the old site to the new site, I also instructed Bob on the basics of coding HTML/CSS.

If you looking to have a website built, send me a email at
(serious inquiries only)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

CS Colloquium

Computer Science Colloquium

The Colloquium Tracking System will serve as a web based attendance log for freshman and joint upperclassman colloquiums within the Computer Science Department at NC A&T State University. The system will allow each student user to access a login screen and navigate the system within student user constraints. Students will be able to create an account using their authentic information, view upcoming events and upload a resume. Colloquium will still require each student to come to class to receive a unique randomly generated entry and exit slip. The attendance log will have a link for each week of the semester where students can enter in the entry and exit slip numbers, and submit with a timestamp.

An executive board account should be created to manage a running colloquium schedule, post events, meetings, companies that are coming to campus and any other activities. An administrator account should be created to manage from a super user view to have access to all options on the system. The account will also be able view weekly attendance tables from each colloquium week, access student resumes to give to companies.

This system will utilize a MySQL database to back up data and restore. The web-browser used will be internet explorer 7, Google Chrome, and Firefox 3 or greater. Password ought to be encrypted.

Login Screen

User Attendance Screen

Aggie Exchange Project

The system will be an online store for NC A&T State University Computer Science students only. Each student will be able to access a user-name login screen and navigate books categorized by classes. On the same page, students will have the capability of selling other miscellaneous items such as laptops, gadgets, etc. Books will have a rating system for a later time, so customers can rate items or write reviews of the product. However, when a student wants to sell, they must create a separate account and wait for approval by the site web-master.

An admin page should be created to manage accounts payments, as a member fill up a registration form and agree upon certain terms, submitting their visa-card number or PayPal login. They would receive a thank you note telling them to await confirmation by mail. Simultaneously, the admin will have the full capability to validate the payments through the bank.

This system has to utilize database whether Apache, MySQL to back up data and restore. The web-browser used must be XP and above versions, 32 bit (IE 7 and Firefox 3 or greater). If a student exceeds login trials for 3 times, he or she is forced to change password based on security measures. Password ought to be encrypted. After the user buys more than a single item, he or she will see a virtual shopping cart with their items.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Auto Fleet Inventory Application

In Object Oriented Programming, I was asked to design an graphical user interface application that can be used as an auto fleet inventory. The application guidelines that I was asked to follow are to:

Create GUI that will provide the following functions for your fleet of automobiles: View, Add, Delete and Modify.

View: Displays all the properties of a single automobile one record at a time. Use some sort of next/previous control to move to the next or previous auto.
Add: Add a new Automobile object to the Fleet. Include controls to specify all the properties.
Delete: Should be available from the view screen and should delete the currently displayed auto.
Modify: Should be available from the view screen and should allow the properties of the current auto to be modified.
When the program starts, it should prompt the user for the in put filename.

View Screen

Add Screen

Delete Screen

Modify Screen

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Simulation of a Casino Slot Machine Game

In my Introduction to Microprocessors class my group and I was given a project in our lab to simulate a Casino Slot Machine Game. The slot machine was programmed using Code Warrior Software in assembler language. We used a MCU Projectboard with a MC9S12DT256B Microprocessor and a Freescale 'S12 Microcontroller Module to execute the program downloaded from the PC for demonstration.

Project Algorithm

Input: Prompt the user to place a bet (push button 1 of 4), one monetary unit is added at a time.
Processes: Check to see if the cash reserve is greater than the bet placed if so pull the lever (push button 1 of 4) to randomly generate numbers on each of the three wheels. If cash reserve is not greater than the bet placed, the game forces you to re-place a bet. Then pull the lever to randomly generate numbers on each of the three wheels. If the three wheels align to the jackpot value increment monetary units placed in the bet from the cash reserve. If the three wheels don’t align to the jackpot value then decrement the monetary units placed in the bet from the cash reserve.
Output: Display the randomly generated number for each wheel. If the cashing out (push button 1 of 4) is pressed then display the value of the cash reserve.